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Connect with Me

(Please reach me at 847-208-7236 for quicker response)

Tanvvi portrait

Utsav Creations was born in 2003 out of Tanvvi Agarrwal’s love for the joy and coming together of family & friends in the colorful vibrance of Indian Celebrations.


Tanvvi’s background in Interior Design and her Ethnic Indian upbringing come alive in her artistic vision to create Unique Designs. Her boutique, full service event production & design Company specialize in weddings and special occasion events. She creatively intertwines Elegance; Style & Sophistication into awe inspiring designs. She has a passion for innovative designs that reflect both her contemporary and traditional sensibilities.


Her rapport with clients has earned her friendly yet professional reputation backed with referrals. She has an acute eye for timing, detail, style and most importantly the big picture.

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Call Tanvvi for a beautiful experience & a smashing event!
By Appointment Only!


Tanvvi Agarrwal
Offices at Naperville & Elmhurst


Serving Chicagoland Areas, Wisconsin, Indiana and Michigan